Terms of use

Thisdocumentsets out the terms of use on whichyoumaymakeuse of the website www.millardia.com (the “site”) (the “Terms of Use”). Pleaseread the Terms of Usecarefullybeforeyou start to use the site. By using the site, youindicatethatyouaccepttheseTerms of Use and the Privacy and Cookies Policy (the “Terms and Conditions”) and thatyouagree to abide by them. Ifyou do not agree to the Terms and Conditions, pleaserefrain from using the site.

In theseTerms of Use, expressionsbeginning with a capitalletterusuallyhave


Youareresponsible for makingallarrangementsnecessary for you to haveaccess to the site. Youarealsoresponsible for ensuringthatallpersonswhoaccess the sitethroughyourinternetconnectionareaware of theseTerms of Use, and thattheycomply with them.